I took half of Friday and all of yesterday off from work in observance of my birthday. My wife made me a homemade card that was very touching, and she made me birthday fudge brownies. She was also very generous in buying me a CD, a pair of jeans, a couple of paperbacks, and a Best Buy gift certificate. My parents and mother-in-law were also generous.
We’ve had car problems with my wife’s Neon for months. This past weekend we traded in the Neon and bought a new white Toyota Corolla S. We decided to buy a new car because we are sick of car headaches. We wanted a high quality vehicle that will need few repairs and has good gas mileage. My wife is very happy with the car. My only complaint about it is that the front passenger seat doesn’t have a lot of legroom. You can’t put the seat back as far as I would like, and there is a hump on the right side of the floor so you are limited in your feet placement if you have big feet like I do. I was serious when I told my wife that if we go on a long car trip and she’s driving that I will have to sit in the back seat. Her quip was that I should do all the driving on long trips then. She’s not a chauffeur.
As planned, I mailed yesterday some additional submissions since I haven’t heard back from my previous submissions. I included my new villanelle along with three other poems. I sure would like to receive an acceptance before the year is out.
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