Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I mailed off this morning a submission to another poetry contest. I also mailed this morning a submission to Poetry.

After work today I plan to do some more work on my new poem and continue revising that five-section poem. I’ve gotten out of the habit of “warming up” before I start writing. I used to journal or read a couple of poems before I would start writing. This warm up time would also allow my caffeinated beverage to take effect. I’m wondering if I should return to warming up before writing. Really the only warming up I do now before writing is to mentally think about what tasks are ahead in the poem while I am say driving home or driving to a coffee shop. I also try to put myself into the zone, by which I mean get in touch with my subconscious prior to writing.

Do you do anything special before writing like listening to music, have a certain beverage with you, wear a certain sweatshirt, etc.?


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I don't really do anything to get revved up for writing...

But I do prefer to write in the dark, at night.

Good luck with the Poetry submission.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Justin Evans said...

I have never submitted to Poetry. Does that make me a traitor?

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Gerald Huml said...

I tend to write during the day with people around me. I wonder if my poetry would be different if I wrote more at night in greater solitude.

This is the first time that I have submitted anything to Poetry.


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