Things are better with my wife. We talked it out last night, but we are not exactly warm and fuzzy towards each other yet. It is work to be in a relationship. It forces you to stretch, grow, and acknowledge perhaps unflattering aspects about yourself.
My new local poet friend sent me and e-mail today after reading my blog and said this:
Couples fight about money, sex, drugs, attention/time and where it's spent, relatives, styles in raising children (and pets -- does the dog sleep on the bed? Yes.), sharing household chores/errands. This list reminds me why I live alone!
That last sentence made me laugh!
I’m feeling exhausted when it comes to writing poetry. I have so much left to do on my book manuscript, and the project seems so daunting. I’ve been holding at about 60% of a manuscript that I feel good about. The poems that I’m working on now all have unique and maddening problems that I have to solve. They are also ambitious poems, and I have a certain standard that must be met before I feel that I can put the poem away and consider it finished (finished at least until I look at all of the manuscript as a whole). On top of all of this I want to complete everything by the end of the year. With the way I’m feeling now, I may have to back off that deadline and give myself some space to recharge. Maybe I should just read poetry, poetic theory, and relax instead of writing for awhile. I’ve been afraid of doing just that because I will get out of the habit of writing regularly.
If the camel once gets his nose in a tent, his body will soon follow.
--Arabian proverb
Recent Fortune Cookie Fortunes:
You have an ability to sense and know a higher truth.
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
Many a false step is made by standing still.